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Governing Body Structure 2023 - 2024

Ms Lynne Averill (Joint Chair) - Co-opted Governor

Ms Lynne Averill (Joint Chair)

Co-opted Governor

Mr David Young (Joint Chair) - Local Authority Governor

Mr David Young (Joint Chair)

Local Authority Governor

Mrs Angela Noble - Head Teacher Governor

Mrs Angela Noble

Head Teacher Governor

Mrs L Bell - Staff Governor

Mrs L Bell

Staff Governor

Mrs Lisa Wilson - Clerk to Governors

Mrs Lisa Wilson

Clerk to Governors

Mr Peter Martin - Foundation Governor

Mr Peter Martin

Foundation Governor

Vacancy - Southlands School Foundation Governor


Foundation Governor

Miss Nikki Heron - Co-opted Governor

Miss Nikki Heron

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Christine Bain (Vice Chair) - Parent Governor

Mrs Christine Bain (Vice Chair)

Parent Governor

Vacancy - Southlands School Parent Governor


Parent Governor

Mrs Jill Kimber - Parent Governor

Mrs Jill Kimber

Parent Governor

Vacancy - Southlands School Parent Governor


Parent Governor

Vacancy - Southlands School Parent Governor


Parent Governor

Vacancy - Southlands School Parent Governor


Parent Governor

If you are interested in filling one of our vacant governor positions, please contact the school where we would be happy to discuss things further.

Governor Category Appointed by or Elected Term of Office Start Date Term of Office End Date Date Stepped Down See Below* See Below** Business & Pecuniary Interests Indirect Interests
Mrs A Noble Head Teacher   01/09/2021         NIL NIL
Ms L Averill Co-opted Governing Body 19/09/2023 18/09/2027 n/a No No NIL NIL
Miss Nikki Heron Co-opted Governing Body 07/02/2024 06/02/2028 n/a No No NIL NIL
Mr D Young Local Authority Local Authority 20/09/2022 19/09/2026 19/07/2024 No No NIL NIL
Mrs C Bain Parent Parents 22/02/2021 21/02/2024 n/a No No NIL NIL
Mrs J Kimber Parent Parents 22/02/2021 21/02/2024 n/a No No NIL NIL
Miss S Wilson Parent Parents 22/02/2021 21/02/2024 25/06/2024 No No NIL NIL
Mrs L Bell Staff Staff 28/05/2021 27/05/2025 n/a No No Nat Edu Union Member of Labour Party NIL
Mr P Martin Foundation NTLT 23/06/2022 22/06/2026 n/a No No NIL NIL

* Governance role in any other education establishments

** Any personal relationships with staff members within the school or within the governance structure

Governor Meeting Attendance

  Full Governing Body Meetings Attendance Staffing & Finance Committee Meetings Attendance
Governor Autumn 2023 * Spring 2024* Summer 2024 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Summer 2024
Mrs Angela Noble Yes, No Yes Yes n/a Yes Yes
Mr D Young Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ms L Averill Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Miss N Heron n/a Yes Yes n/a n/a n/a
Mrs C Bain Yes, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Mrs J Kimber No, Yes Yes No n/a n/a n/a
Mrs L Bell No, Yes Yes No n/a n/a n/a
Mr P Martin Yes, No Yes No n/a Yes Yes

* Two meetings per term

Southlands School Governing Body Governor Sub-Committees

Members Position
Mr David Young Chair
Mrs Angela Noble Head Teacher Governor
Miss Lynn Averill Co-Opted Governor
Pay Review Committee
Members Position
Mrs Jill Kimber Parent Governor
Performance Management Review Committee
Members Position
Mrs Christine Bain Vice Chair
Mr David Young Local Authority Governor
Pupil Discipline Committee  (Full Governing Body agreed that when needed 3 Governors will assist, including a Co Chair)
Curriculum Committee
Members Position
Mrs Laura Bell Chair
Mrs Jill Kimber Vice Chair
Mrs Angela Noble Head Teacher Governor
Mr David Young Local Authority Governor
Mr Peter Martin Foundation Governor
Staff Dismissal / Appeals Committee  (Full Governing Body agreed that when needed 3 Governors will assist)